Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse , an animated film adaptation of Marvel’s superhero comic book character Miles Morales and sequel to its previous film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse , serves as a groundbreaking interpretation of the classic Spider-Man principle, "With great power comes great responsibility." The film follows the main protagonist, Miles Morales, as he discovers the existence of the Spider-Verse, the multiversal connection between the different iterations of Spider-Man, and the concept of canon events, which shape and define each Spider-person. As Miles interacts with the Spider-Verse and learns how it functions, he slowly comes to the realization that perhaps instead of following the determined canon events that supposedly come with being Spider-Man, he must instead follow his own path and redefine what it means to be Spider-man. Miles and his mother, Rio, watch the Brooklyn skyline, with a literal and figurative distance between them as Miles struggl...